
cinelandmarks goes live!

Published: 1/7/2021
By: Jennifer Borrmann

Dear cinema friend, movie theater lovers,

finally, the time has come: cinelandmarks.org is launched! A beta version of the platform is already online, and you can start using it now and create your own contributions.

cinelandmark.org is a community-based platform for international cinema culture. It documents historically, architecturally and curatorially unique cinemas and thus provides very practical everyday orientation help for the question: Where is the next cinema worth seeing here? At the same time, numerous search functions offer well-founded research options.

We deliberately chose today's launch date to coincide with the reopening of many cinemas across Germany after the long closure due to the pandemic. Cinema as a space of encounter and social exchange is more important today than ever before. cinelandmarks.org is run by cinelandmarks e.V., a non-profit association based in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The platform starts with about 50 cinemas, but it should become many, many more – with the help of the global cinema-enthusiastic community. In order to guarantee a certain level of quality, all contributions are editorially supervised by us.

We would be very happy if you find our project just as exciting and support it! Do you know a cinema that is worth documenting? Create a new entry!* Or support the further development of the site with a small donation via PayPal! We still have a lot of plans... We send this email just on this occasion – if you want to stay up to day, be welcome to subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to know about new features! You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

THANKS to everyone who has already been so great and generous and supported us on the long road to get here! Special thanks to our crowdfunding supporters! We are happy to have achieved this milestone – and look forward to your contributions.

Best regards,

Your cinelandmarks team Anna, Marian, Silke, Hinnerk, Jennifer

*In the current beta version, a Google account is required to add a new cinema – we will change this in the near future.