Dear cinema friend, movie theater lovers,
finally, the time has come: is launched! A beta version of the platform is already online, and you can start using it now and create your own contributions. is a community-based platform for international cinema culture. ...
It is now for 14 months that cinemas are more or less closed around the world. Covid made possible what seemed to be impossible. Like for other areas of life and society, Covid uncoveres sharply the already existing challenges and imponderabilities of today's cinema landscape. And very likely it wil...
“...for Berliners, cinema is a basic necessity” (Der Kinematograph, no. 267, Feb. 7, 1912; own translation)
Movie theaters, cinemas play a crucial role in the cultural and political attitude, and in the social, historical, geographical space of the city of Berlin – and this has been true sinc...
One outcome of our crowdfunding campaign was a set of five beautiful postcards, compiling views on five very special as well as very different cinemas around the world in a square design. They can now be obtained at selected cinemas and events throughout Germany against a small donation for our proj...